phase portrait

美 [feɪz ˈpɔːrtrət]英 [feɪz ˈpɔːtreɪt]
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phase portraitphase portrait
  1. This paper provides a new qualitative simulation based method to construct phase portrait of nonlinear system .


  2. So the phase portrait can be clearly depicted as the parameter changes .


  3. Then , for a given parameter group , its phase portrait trend is studied .


  4. The phase portrait and variance combined with other characteristic parameters can effectively improve the diagnosis precision .


  5. The results show that the pseudo phase portrait is in some sense similar to an orbit .


  6. The dynamical behavior of the system is analysed by the Fast Fourier Transform and the phase portrait .


  7. The phase portrait analysis of three species Volterra model with the rates of constant harvest and constant invest


  8. Qualitative phase portrait is a geometrical state portrait constructed based on qualitative simulation method , which can express the global behavior of the system .


  9. The system is further shown to be chaos quantificationally by computing the largest Lyapunov exponent and drawing phase portrait of this system .


  10. Classification of Z_7 - equivariant Planar Hamilton Phase Portrait


  11. For the given parameters , the quantitative and qualitative analyses to the phase portrait and motion circle of the nonlinear free vibration are dealt with .


  12. The motion behavior of system are described through the bifurcation diagrams , the time-history curve , phase portrait and Poincar é map . 2 .


  13. Phase portrait technique was used to analyze the horizontal motion of a roll and determine a limit circle which could describe the path of sticking-sliding motion .


  14. At last , the Lyapunov exponent and phase portrait are utilized in the analysis of nonlinear , the approximate entropy is utilized to measure the complexity .


  15. Lastly , the bifurcation diagram , the time-history curve , phase portrait and Poincar é map are calculated by means of MATLAB software . The numerical characters of chaotic motion are obtained .


  16. Using the phase portrait of system , the motion status of autonomous and non-autonomous systems under given parameters was analyzed . The chaos forming process of non-autonomous system was analyzed by the use of Poincar é mapping diagram .


  17. We compared the model output ' ( derivatives of postsynaptic potentials which is corresponding to EEG ) plot , power spectrum , phase portrait , and correlation dimension with the original output ' ( no perturbation is added ) .


  18. A unified nonsingular control framework that enables both tracking and stabilization of unicycle type wheeled mobile robots is proposed . With the aid of dynamic feedback linearization and sliding mode control techniques , phase portrait analysis plays a key role in the design method .


  19. By plotting bifurcation diagrams , the relation between stability versus parameters of the impact system is analyzed . And the phase plane portrait and Poincar é map of structure exhibit the process of the system motion from double-period to chaos more obviously .
